The proposal to replace our two grammar schools with a combined school at the current Doyon site is contrary to the goals and guidelines established in the 2003 Community Development Plan (CDP).
The CDP is an important guide to our town’s sustainability and quality of life. Exceptions to these goals and guiding principles should not be made lightly.
On July 24, 2003, the planning board adopted the CDP as the planning strategy for the town after an extensive three-year public process that began in early 2000.
The CDP reflects the input of the town’s residents and business people, the guidance of a 24-member growth management steering committee, and the Ipswich Department of Planning.
The board of selectman accepted the plan on Sept. 15, 2003, and on Oct. 20, 2003, the Ipswich special town meeting accepted both the plan and an implementation process for it.
The CDP is an important document, and it was a significant factor in our deciding to move to Ipswich and in the choice we made in purchasing our home on Central Street.
Recently married in 2004, we were looking for a place to set our roots, a walkable community that wasn’t the city.
Ipswich was on our list but it entailed a daunting daily commute. It was the CDP that sealed the deal for us.
The goals, the values, and the long-term objectives that were laid out and codified in an official document were exactly the progressive ideals of which we were looking to be a part.
The house we purchased on Central Street met our two most important criteria: sidewalks, and walking distance to all three schools that our children would attend.
It is a busy street and the commute is every bit as bad as we thought it would be. But our kids walk to school.
And they walk or ride their bikes to their friends’ house after school and on weekends. Because they can. Because there are sidewalks, and they are not that far away.
And hardly a weekend goes by that we don’t walk or ride our bikes downtown to Tedfords, Zumi’s, the Library, or Bialek Park.
Our best nights out are the ones we can walk to: The Hart House, The Sports Bar, The Choate Bridge Pub. This is the lifestyle we bought into 14 years ago.
Yes, the condition of the grammar schools need to be addressed.
But moving the Winthrop School out of the center of town flies in the face of the CDP that we put so much stock in when we committed to moving here, and committed to being active participants in that progressive community vision.
And while the condition of the building is less than ideal, our kids thrived there.
And we don’t believe their education suffered in any direct way from the facilities. We will be voting no on the one mega-school option at town meeting on May 8.
We can do better. We need to do better. And in the additional time it takes to get this project right our kids will continue to thrive because it is the community, not the building, that really matters.
For information on the Community Development Plan see these links on the town website: