Michele Hunton: Combined school is not right for Ipswich

Our town is at a crossroads. There are intelligent people on both sides who care deeply about all of the children and future of Ipswich.

They are my friends and neighbors. There are disagreements and that is okay – they are the epitome of a healthy democracy.

However, this debate has become unnecessarily divisive. The name-calling, the fabrications of the truth, the blaming, and even cyber bullying – this abounds.

Rather than be received by angry responses, the differing opinions should be respected and, and get this – they may help us understand each other and find a path forward.

A common observation from opinions over the past two years is that a combined school – no matter the location – has opposition.

Remember those “Save Bialek” signs? One school at Bialek – opposed. At Winthrop – opposed. At Doyon – opposed.

Each opposition was/is met by different people for different reasons. Each of these reasons are legitimate for those individuals and should be respected. “Same same” – as my three year old would say.

Recently, there has been negative commenting made to people opposed to a combined school at the Doyon location.

When the proposed Bialek and Winthrop locations were met with opposition – the consensus was simply that there was “insufficient support for those locations.”

The June 2017 Town Meeting then showed insufficient support for the Doyon location, when the vote for a feasibility study at Doyon failed to get two-thirds approval – the same two-thirds that will be required for the Doyon location this May.

Despite this clear opposition, expressed in the only binding vote on location, the process continued.

Perhaps the reason for the current divisiveness is because the Doyon location is the last one left for a combined school.

If the order of location review had been Bialek, then Doyon, and then Winthrop, would this “blame” be different?

What can the above opinions regarding proposals for a combined school at every location teach us? That a combined elementary school is probably not right for Ipswich.

A combined school at Doyon is not the best solution for all of our students because it is not easily accessible to most of our student population as almost half of our elementary students live within one mile of Winthrop, and approximately three out of four students live closer to Winthrop than Doyon.

Whether bus, bike, drive or walk – this is a fact. A new sidewalk won’t make an approximately 45-minute walk any faster.

Ipswich is a geographically large town. Look at a map. The proposed school is not at all central.

Think of those living on the Neck. Bus rides for 5 year olds will likely be increased as a result of the distance.

Many families won’t have a choice, and these young children will be subject to the longer rides.

Those who have a choice will drive – causing congestion, increased fuel use, and idling cars.

If the bus rides are kept to a more reasonable length, more buses will be necessary, significantly increasing yearly operating costs – costs that are not included in the current combined school budget.

This increased distance from most students and longer, or more, bus and car rides flies in the face of sustainability.

This is absolutely the wrong message to be sending to our youngest about the environment – it’s a step backwards.

The increased distance will also detrimentally affect carless families’ abilities to get to after-school programs, parent teacher conferences – activities which busing doesn’t accommodate.

A combined school at Doyon will remove downtown benefits to students and families, such as walking field trips to the Ipswich Museum and River, the library, visits to Zumi’s with parents after school.

Young people move to Ipswich for its unique vibrant downtown and current residents enjoy it, whether they live walkable to the downtown or not.

A school presence downtown is a critical part of this vibrancy, and has been for well over 100 years.

Slowing down for a student crossing the street reminds the public of our youth – this can’t be replicated. This school presence is irreplaceable and will be lost, likely, forever.

With that said – the existing Doyon school location offers just as important benefits, such as amazing access to the Willowdale State Forest – no one is downplaying those, and they should remain to Doyon students.

Many moved to this more scenic area of town closer to Doyon to have that benefit.

And to those who live in the gray area close to the Winthrop location who are interested in attending Winthrop, I believe there could be an addition to Winthrop to accommodate those students, and an original proposal included just that.

They also may prefer to attend Doyon.

With all of this said – if the combined school fails in May, we are left with nothing, right? Wrong.

Should the vote fail, Ipswich can apply again as soon as next year, and can apply simultaneously for a renovation/addition for both schools.

The MSBA won’t put us at the back of a “line” as there is no “line” – project applications are looked at anew each year and chosen by need.

Is starting over risky? Maybe, but if our schools were found to be in “need” four-plus years ago, I’d infer that they will likely found to be in need, if not more so, in the next year(s).

While we now may have to reapply, the MSBA never took this renovation/addition option away from Ipswich – it continues to exist.

Since we have educational programs that are currently excelling in our schools, I have faith that our administration and leadership can work together to create educational programs that can work effectively with renovations and cost-effective additions to both schools.

Physical space standards and guidelines were developed by the MSBA for new construction, and the MSBA has the discretion to determine square footage for proposed renovation projects on a case-by-case basis.

Our student enrollment is down hundreds of students from its peak 10 years ago, when overcrowding was an issue. Two classrooms at Winthrop were actually empty this past year.

All of this means additions do not have to be enormous or extraordinarily expensive.

As recently as the tri-board meeting on April 7, our own boards’ numbers show that such costs of renovations/additions, depending on the addition size, are about the same or less expensive than the proposed combined school.

After seeing the lack of consensus over the years, what I believe is right for and can touch all children – Doyon and Winthrop – and the future of Ipswich is to maintain our current elementary schools.

As a future Winthrop parent, I am more than okay with Doyon going first.

In fact, this isn’t just about current Ipswich children, this is a critical decision that will affect children and the character of Ipswich for the next 100 years.

Don’t choose an option just because it’s perceived to be the “only option left.” It’s not. Don’t vote out of fatigue – let’s get this right.

This is not at all about the “haves vs have nots” – it is about having faith in our school administration and teachers – the people inside of the building that make or break education.

My aunt, a retired teacher who taught first grade for 34 years stated to me: “What’s most important to children of this age is TLC- that’s what they need.”

I have faith that our teachers currently give our children just that, and as a mother of two very young daughters who this will directly affect, I am voting no on Article 5.

However, in May, if there are adequate votes for a combined school at Doyon, let’s all come together to support this.

If the vote fails, I have faith that our community will support maintaining our current beloved schools to allow the continued success of our children’s education.

In the meantime, let’s respect each other.

Michele Hunton
Turkey Shore Rd.

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