By Michele Hunton
Thanks to the School Committee (SC), School Building Committee (SBC), and other town officials for their time and dedication to the school building project.
I want to present the background and concerns that led to my and others’ positions on the school project. The recent statement by the SC that “One community school for all students, at the Doyon site, is still the active project supported by the School Committee” has led me to believe that the SC plans to move forward with a combined school at the Doyon site despite the failure to obtain two-thirds support to fund a feasibility study for a combined school at Doyon by 101 votes.
Despite claims that a combined school at Doyon was supported by the January 2017 town meeting, the citizen’s petition at that meeting asked the town if it should recommend that the SC and SBC reconsider their decision to build a single school on the Winthrop site in favor of two schools.
The failure of this Petition demonstrates that the town at the time was agreeable to a combined school if located at a downtown site – the Winthrop site.
Further, at the time of that town meeting, the public was informed that a vote against a combined school (or for two schools) meant we would lose MSBA funding, and that the school project would die.
Statements that this January 2017 vote was in favor of a single school at Doyon are thus simply inaccurate.
It is also clear that the surprise “poll” and amendment to an article at the May 2017 Town Meeting as to whether a combined school should be located at the Bialek or Doyon site is not reliable as the public was not notified by mail in the warrant that this vote would occur.
While committee members may have had advanced knowledge of this vote, the majority of residents did not, and if notified, the outcome may have differed.
It is clear that there was never a consensus to build a combined school at Doyon. The articles at the June 2017 town meeting were clearly presented to the public in advance by mail in the warrant, allowing time for residents to make a thoughtful decision on their vote and plan to attend the meeting.
Any decision by the SC to locate the $250,000 from another source will undermine the expressed will of the town, not to mention throw away funds that should be directed at the existing and future needs of our school children.
I was a two school supporter from the start of this project, but ultimately compromised as a result of the SC’s public position that any combined school would be accessible to downtown.
As recently as a March 2017 public meeting at the Masonic Temple, members of the SC vocally and enthusiastically supported the Winthrop location, stating that a combined school would be located downtown.
It was not until the recent May 2017 SC meeting that I first learned the location would move to Doyon.
Based on the SC’s statement that there was no longer a viable option for a downtown location for a combined school, I became convinced that two schools was and is the only option to maintain a downtown location.
While some have stated that the citizen’s petition at the June 2017 town meeting was an “11th hour” attempt to bring two schools to the table, many, like myself, were only in support of a combined school at a downtown location as a compromise.
We viewed the change in location to Doyon as an “11th hour” change, which, coupled with information from the MSBA regarding a viable two school option, triggered the recent two school citizen’s petition.
The desire for a downtown location is not a “selfish” position by Winthrop parents, as it has been mischaracterized.
While there are many reasons why a downtown location is right for Ipswich, such as school presence, environmental benefits, accessibility for the 40 percent of elementary age students living within one mile of Winthrop, my overarching reason for supporting a downtown location is for those families who cannot afford a car and depend on the ability to walk to school to meet with teachers on a regular basis, to pick up their sick child, among other reasons.
While there may be some solutions available for alternative transportation, they likely will only be workable for pre-scheduled after school events, such as parent-teacher conferences.
Alternative transportation will simply not be available when last minute situations arise.
While many have stated that the Doyon site is only a four-minute drive from Winthrop, or a 10 minute bike ride, the fact is that not all have access to cars and bikes, and the Doyon site is an approximately 45 minute walk from the Winthrop site.
Even if alternative transportation options may be available in certain instances, they are inconvenient and potentially embarrassing for those parents who are used to the independence of walking to their child’s school.
Removing a downtown school location will detrimentally impact these families and these students’ education.
Such families moved to the downtown area of Ipswich specifically because it is walkable, near a commuter rail, and thus livable without a car.
Many specifically moved to their home knowing their families can walk to Winthrop. Most families who currently attend Doyon likely live further from the downtown and do have cars out of necessity.
That said, those Doyon families who live closer to the downtown, in the “gray zone,” or in the Doyon zone who do not have or cannot afford a car should also have the ability to attend the Winthrop school.
Please consider how the loss of a downtown school would affect these families – both Doyon and Winthrop families.
As a future Winthrop parent, I would be fine if the existing Doyon school was repaired or replaced first as would most in favor of two schools.
I am not concerned about my daughter attending an older facility because I am confident that the teachers and staff will provide her with an excellent education.
I would rather have her attend an older facility than have Ipswich make the wrong long-term decision for its students and town.
There is too much focus on immediate results, and maybe that is the unfortunate reality of our new fast-paced society.
While agreed that the two schools need repairs, whether that be renovations or a rebuild, perspective has been lost on how fortunate we are to live in Ipswich with great schools and too much focus has been placed on buildings alone.
Fear is being placed on parents that if students do not have the most “up-to-date” building immediately – their education will be significantly harmed.
This is simply false, and I believe everyone in Ipswich knows that it is the people inside the building, and not the building – that educate our children.
This is not a Winthrop versus Doyon battle, and it is sad that many are making it out to be.
It is a discussion of what is best for all Ipswich students and our small town community.
Removing accessibility for those who need it most is simply not best for all Ipswich students.
Taking our time to make the right decision, even if Winthrop and/or Doyon students have to wait a few more years, is best for all students.
Minor delays in the school project may temporarily affect the buildings but not the education within their walls; however, permanently removing accessibility for many families will directly impact those students’ education now and in the future.
I respectfully urge the SC, SBC and town officials to take the time to consider all options in this important expensive long-term decision, including simultaneous repairs/renovations to the existing Doyon and Winthrop school.