Who We Are

We are an energized group of educators, parents, grandparents, business owners and Ipswich citizens who value education and want to provide the very best education to our town’s children that Ipswich can comfortably afford.

Strong Ipswich Schools is dedicated to preserving and improving our exceptional neighborhood schools. We believe strongly that children learn best in small, intimate learning communities and that we should fight to keep our two beloved elementary schools intact.

We advocate a fiscally responsible addition/renovation program for the Doyon and Winthrop neighborhood schools. Let’s create a school system that adds value for the entire town without unduly burdening any segment of the population. Let’s make our decisions based on sound scientific studies and clear, comprehensive municipal planning. Let’s save our money and save the character of our town by preserving and improving our two beloved elementary schools.

We believe strongly that the construction of an enormous combined facility over two miles from the most densely-populated area of town makes little sense for Ipswich families. Removing a vibrant school from downtown and relocating all of our smallest citizens will change the fabric of our town forever. If you agree, please contact us to get involved.